Let's Talk about Sex:
An Open and Affirming Women's Sexual Empowerment Group
Women are born into a male dominated patriarchal society and for generations have been taught how they “Should” behave. Who decides what it means to be feminine and sexy? Along with being taught by our community and society at large, how we should be. We have also endured negative talk or lack of conversation around topics of our own bodies, desires, and needs. What would our new erotic story be if we were to eradicate shame, and have a positive image of our sexuality and intimate lives?
This topic and process group will provide a fun, safe, and brave place that women will be able to deconstruct cultural opinions about sex, love, intimacy, and femininity. We will discuss our own sexual desires, finding our voice, and having conversations around ways in which we can develop more of a compassionate and radical acceptance of our bodies. We will learn better ways to communicate our needs to our partners, and to name the forces that inhibit us from living our fullest sexual lives.
The group is open to all female identified individuals regardless of where you fall on the sexuality spectrum. It will run for 12 weeks. The group is limited to 8 people. The cost will be $60-120 per session (Sliding Scale) and each group will run 1 ½ hrs.
Topics we will cover:
Deconstructing our worlds - what community and culture has taught us about our woman-ness, our sexuality and how we are supposed to be?
Body image and how it effects our intimacy. How can we be gentle with regards to our thoughts about our bodies? How can we embrace our eroticism and sense of our own sexual identities?
Knowing our bodies, what works for us, what works for others? What brings me the most pleasure?
Shame, where did it come from and why does it make me believe and behave this way? What would my sex life look like if it were shameless?
The mind-body connection and fantasy.
What do we desire more of, how do we know? What is the effect of limiting our desires?
Alternative sex practices, how much do we know? ‘Deconstructing normalcy’
What do we think of pornography? How has it helped or hurt our intimacy with our partners and ourselves?
Designing our erotic lives. Let’s envision!
Dirty talk. Language and sex: What is being spoken and our thoughts about it?
Discovering our voice, in communication with our partners… How do I tell my partner/s this_____?
Sex talk...What’s on our minds? Where have we arrived?
Contact me if you would like to be added to the list. This group will fill up fast!!